Session 3 – Basic Seat Drop

First we started warming up so that we were nice and loose and ready to do the drills. For the warm up we just went for a jog just so all the muscle were loose. We done this for about 5 Minutes before moving onto the main activity and skill based exercise.

In the main activity we focused on one main skill, basic seat drop.

The first part of basic seat drop is to position yourself in the middle of the trampoline, The most important parts of this move are to keep straight legs, do not lift them up and to jump upwards first, it is inviting to ‘drop backwards’ or just lift your legs up but this isn’t what you should do. Instead you need to make yourself reach a high level and tilt your pelvis upwards slightly as you leave the trampoline; this causes a very small amount of somersault rotation. As you come back towards the trampoline you start to prepare for landing by bringing your arms down to a position ready to be placed just behind your seat and extend your feet forwards. You should land with your back close to upright and hands tucked in just behind your seat with your fingers facing the same way as your toes. This is done because it it allows you to keep your momentum when going down and allows you to be unharmed when doing the skill. It is also done because it prevent your feet from hitting the trampoline bed before they should doing which helps perfect the the move.






One response to “Session 3 – Basic Seat Drop”

  1. btec Avatar

    M1. Good.

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