First we started warming up so that we were nice and loose and ready to do the drills. For the warm up we just started rallying with each other using any type of shot just getting used to the ball. We done this for about 5 – 10 Minutes before moving onto the main activity and skill based exercise.
In the main activity we focused on two different skills. The forehand drive shot and the backhand drive shot.
First we started with the forehand drive shot. The first part of the forehand Drive is to position yourself with your knees bent shoulder width apart, with the foot in which is on the same side as the hand in which holds the bat, placed slightly further away from the table. This is so that you are ready for when the ball comes towards you.
When the ball comes towards you, approach the ball with a foreword stroke, pivot your waist and shoulders in the direction of a straight-on position to the table as you pull the closed bat into the ball. This done because it allows you to get the ball over the net and apply enough force and accuracy to put it where you want it and make the opponent work to hit it back.
1. Notice the ball coming to your forehand or backhand.
2. Assume a sideways ready position.
3. Pivot your hips back into a big back swing. The bigger the back swing, the more power you generate. Rotate your shoulders so that your non bat shoulder points toward your opponent.
4. Cock your wrist down and hold the bat at about waist height, at the peak of your back swing, so that your stroke on the ball is upward.
5. Swing forward with your body first, uncoiling your hips as you pivot.
6. Accelerate your forearm and wrist to strike the ball at the high point of its bounce.
7. Keep the face of your paddle slightly closed (facing down) as you strike the ball. Your paddle should be moving at maximum speed as it strikes the ball.
8. Follow through so your paddle is pointing where you want the ball to go. Try not to let the paddle swing across your body. The tendency on this swing is to try too hard and end up overshooting the table.
9. Concentrate on keeping a smooth swing from start to finish.
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